Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Almost a year ago our daughter and her family learned they could adopt 5-year-old Anna from Ethiopia. They have planned, prayed and hoped for the quick arrival of this little girl. They even got to meet her in July, on her sixth birthday.

This morning they learned that UNICEF has paid the MOWA 5 million dollars to discourage international adoption. Their way of discouraging families is to close down the orphanages.

God is bigger than UNICEF. But please pray that the courts will still approve the adoptions so Anna and others may come home soon. Little girls in Ethiopia have no hope other than the families who love them enough to make great sacrifices to bring them to safe homes.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Clear the road

Look out. Jessie obtained her learner's permit this morning. Six months of practice and she will have the real one. We made her wait until she graduated from 8th grade last week 3 days after she turned 16. She has matured to be a lovely young lady and such a joy to us. She has a lovely singing voice, still loves to ride horse and play ball. I may have to make a YouTube video of her. No?