Thursday, May 21, 2009

Christian Writer's Conference

Estes Park in the this a bit of heaven on earth? I had the privilege of attending the Colorado Christian Writer's Conference last week. The conference could not have been better. Rubbing shoulders with famous writers, great publishers and did not make any difference...we all were like one big family. I wonder if heaven might be a bit like that. It was actually hard to step back into a world of people thirsting to know Jesus and not even knowing what their need is. But there is a job to be done and I must do my part.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Granddaughter # 11

Jubilee Deborah arrived Thursday afternoon. 7 pounds 6 ounces. What a little doll! Three little blonde girls are delighted to have a baby sister. Her dadddy and mama seem to be pretty satisfied with their bundle.